Saturday, April 25, 2009

Switchblades and Brass Nuckles

Can the Nuggets and Hornets and Nuggets just have a street fight and get it over with already? 

The first two games of this series got a little chippy as Denver basically did anything they wanted on their way to a couple of "Mile High" beat downs. As physical as those two games were down the stretch, Game 3 turned into a PG version of one of those late 80's games involving the Detroit Pistons. There were guys getting thrown on the ground. Tyson Chandler apparently wants to be the new Rick Mahorn. Dhantay Jones' constant antagonizing of the Hornets is eerily similar to what Dennis Rodman used to do and James Posey, one of the tougher guy in the league, is constantly falling on the floor as if he's been shot by a sniper.

The Nuggets just squandered a chance to go up 3-0 in the series, but now I'm hoping it last a little longer so I can see somebody get hip tossed into the court side seats underneath one of the baskets.

1 comment:

  1. hahahaha. The Nuggets will win that battle. There are some "Looney Tunes" on the Nuggets squad. K-mart, Birdman, Smith, 'Melo.

    But Byron Scott might have a few old School tricks up his Sleeve...
