Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm back!

Thank you to all of those who were original fans of this blog and thank you to everybody who followed "In the trenches" at Due to what I'll call a corporate squeeze, "In the trenches" was temporarily silenced.


I am bringing back the same colorful insight and hard hitting opinions that were on that blog together with the open canvas that is mosvoice. After seeing even more of the ugly side of the media business and putting my pen down for a while, you can expect a renewed intensity and an even more insightful and entertaining blog.

There's a lot that's happened in the world of sports over the past few months. Tiger Woods tried to convince us all he was a sex addict after his wife discovered his healthy appetite for loose women. (Spare me Tiger! You're not an addict, you're just like the rest of us heterosexual males in this country. You just happen to have the star power and financial resources that allowed you to have unlimited access to women who were more than happy to put you down as a notch on their salacious belts.)

The Saints won the Super Bowl despite every talking head on television trying to crown Peyton Manning as the best quarterback to ever put on an athletic support. Alabama beat Texas to win the BCS National Championship. (Stop crying Longhorn fans! Take it up with your coaching staff for using your slightly built quarterback as the primary running threat against one of the most physical defensive units in the country.)

Mike Leach got canned by the brass at Texas Tech because he put the son of a famous former football player in an equipment shed and then he refused to apologize for it. Then somebody had it in so bad for him that a video of him of in dropping a salty post-game rant on his team after a ho hum win over Baylor was posted all over the net. (It's must see footage by the way.)

Ben Roethlisberger is looking more and more like a sex offender everyday. The Eagles, despite what Andy Reid says, are dangling Donovan McNabbb. Instead of paying Thomas Jones, the Jets felt an obviously declining LaDanian Tomlinson was a better choice to have on their football team.The Mavericks have a backbone now after bringing in the rugged Caron Butler and Brendan Haywood along with DeShawn Stevenson in exchange for headcase Josh Howard and a few spare parts. We still have no idea if Brett Favre is going to play again, and the NFL world will descend on Gainesville later today to see the new and improved throwing motion of the demigod we know as Tim Tebow.

There are plenty of other things I could touch on and I'm sure I'll get to them at some point.

With that said, I say thank you again to any and everybody who's supported either of my blogs.

Now let's get to the what my initial thoughts are on those brackets for the NCAA Tournament.

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