Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Let the madness begin!

It's that time of year everybody. College kids are on Spring Break. People are still trying to recover from celebrating St. Patrick's Day. The weather is getting better and the most entertaining three week period in sports is about to unfold right before our eyes.

It's the NCAA Tournament people.

It's Cinderella stories. It's buzzer beaters. It's unknown players making a name for themselves on the national stage. It's heartbreak for 64 teams and it's "One Shining Moment" for the one left standing.

Who's going to be the first #1 seed to get clipped? How many of those #12 seeds will jump up to beat a #5 seed? What player will introduce himself to mainstream America and the NBA Scouts? What team will go from afterthought to Final 4 contenders?

The truth is I don't know the answers to any of those questions and neither do those experts you've seen on TV the past couple of days do either.

However, there are some aspects of the tournament to think about before you make your official entry into the office pool.

To find out what they are, just read the next entry.

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