Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Talk about character all you want when it comes to Vick, it's about wins in the NFL

The argument was recently brought to me that Michael Vick shouldn't be allowed to play in the NFL again because he has "bad character".
Before I get into why Vick should be allowed to resume his career at some point, let me be clear that in no way do I agree with what he did. Anybody who thinks the violent manner in which those dogs were killed is less than horrifying probably needs therapy because there's no excuse for what took place on that property in Virginia.
Now that we're all clear, allow me to address the issue of bad character.
Say what you want about Michael Vick, but the notion that he shouldn't be allowed to play in the NFL again because he has bad character is borderline moronic. If you're one of those people who truly feel what Vick did warrants a lifetime ban that's fine, but where were you at when Leonard Little killed somebody because he was driving drunk? Where were you at when he got arrested for drunk driving six years later?
If it's about character you better take the alcoholic, wife beating and skirt chasing legend know as Mickey Mantle out of Cooperstown right? If it's about character, somebody should have stripped A-Rod of his pen stripes the second he started lying to Katie Couric. The Dallas Cowboys should have those three Super Bowls they won in the 90's taken away if it's all about athletes having bad character.
What Vick did is inexcusable. However, all of those PETA protesters and anybody else who will claim to be appauled by his return better get ready because it's going to happen at some point. Trust me people, unless Vick figures out another way to generate a six or seven figure salary before he gets out this summer, you will see him in a helmet and shoulder pads again.
The only thing in the NFL that matters is winning. (And money!) That's why the Patriots signed a supposed malcontent in Corey Dillon to help them win their last Super Bowl. Winning is why Bill Belichick traded for Randy "I play when I want to play" Moss in 2007. Winning is why the Tennessee Titans drafted Pacman Jones out of West Virginia despite his multiple run-ins with the law. Winning (and arrogance) is why Jerry Jones gave Pacman a second chance with the Dallas Cowboys. Winning is why the defending world champion Boston Celtics just signed Stephon Marbury.
I hate to break it to you, but the recent front professional sports teams are putting on about wanting guys with good character is a bit of a farce. Would they like to have a team full of choir boys? Probably so. In reality though, the only thing GM's, owners and coaches want is a guy who will produce on the field, not blow up the locker room and avoid doing something or some things that can't be covered up by a high dollar public relations department.
So far, the Vikings and the 49ers are the only teams to publicly express a possible interest in Vick if and when he gets re-instated to the NFL. You're crazy if you think they'll be the only teams to call once Roger "The Hammer" Goodell decides to give Vick his cleats back.
Every year teams in the NFL flounder in mediocrity because they don't have a guy under center who can manage a game, let alone make enough plays to win one. Think the Detroit Lions could've used Vick last season when Dan Orlovsky was running out the back of the end zone? I bet Braylon Edwards and Kellen Winslow Jr. would loved to have been catching deep balls from Vick instead of whoever it was playing quarterback for the Browns at the end of last year. How much easier would life be for Adrian Peterson if defenses actually had to respect the Vikings passing game?
A wise man once said, "Winning isn't everything. It's the only thing!"
Vick, for every stigma and label that will forever be attached to his name, is a winner. (31-19-1 as a starter) The only question remaining is how long Roger Goodell will keep Vick out of his league before he realizes there are plenty of guys in uniform with bad character.


  1. I feel ya. Someone will pick him up if Goodell allows him back in the league

  2. this should be open for all to comment on now

  3. You are brilliant, I love the way you think. Why hasn't someone discovered you and all of your many talents yet!

  4. very well put young man.that teams has some major problems, and they are doing nothing to fix it..good job mr.mosley!!!!!

  5. Way to express yourself, I think you are absoluty correct. That man has paid his debt to society let him earn a honest living, instead of throwing him out into the streets to be another black male felon. He is somebody and everyone makes mistakes. Why would you keep someone from making themselves money and more importantly, a person who can make you MONEY. They should all be like Jerry Miguire singing, "SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!" They all can make it big on this one, VICK is great, I have his shoes to prove it. Lets be smart people do we wanna make money or pudding. Somebody say MONEY=VICK!!! Character, half of the idiots that are on the radio now have no Character hince a freakin idiot who formally played for the Dallas Cowboys and has the audacity to mumble words of ignorance on live air as if he had an ounce of intelligence. They all need to attend Character First Training. Look it up. "I'm out bithes."

  6. "That's Bitches." On the previous comment I guess I wasnt so tough after all.

  7. Amen!! Bottom line is he paid for what he did and now he deserves a chance.
